Not Your Average College Student

Get ready to turn your ideas into reality

Hi, I’m George, a developer based in New York. Please take a look around!

I am passionate about building excellent websites that improves the lives of those around me. I am currently working on programming projects in preparation of a major in Computer Science. I am also teaching myself Python and JavaScript in order to build a web app on financial literacy. My goal is to obtain a position as a Software Engineer in which I can utilize my technical and mechanical skills, with possibility for advancement.

I am currently participating in a Full-Stack Web Developemnt Bootcamp from The Knowledge House and teaching computer science classes online and in-person in NYC.

Technical Skills

HTML / CSS / Javascript

Created many static and dynamic web pages online and presented them on demo day competitions online.


Currently, learning Python in my intro to Computer Science class at CUNY Hunter College.


Self-learning ReactJS through online courses and will be working on another ReactJS project in Feb 2022.


Learning about different data types and utilizing Java in many applications and self-studying for the AP Computer Science A exam.

Work Experience

Virtual Co-Op Core Assistant Counselor

Teaching and Tech Assistant

Curriculum Developer Intern

Computer Science Teacher

Programming Projects

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Restaurant Mock Cilent Website

Tasked with building a restaurant website which empahsis the restaurant's different services, dinning options and contact information. Also, preseting to a large auidence on our final project at America on Tech.

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Moolah Financial Literacy Web App

Moolah's Financial Literacy website targeted high school teens allowing financial resources such as banking and credit cards to be more readily available and to become better financially literate. The lack of information on these demographics is one of my reasons for building this website.

Many high school students lack adequate information on how to manage their money and this website is their key to financial independence. Learning these skills early on will allow them to learn skills not taught by many parents and will make sure they work on their wealth.

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Gen Z Tech Media

Gen Z Tech Media was founded in Feb 2020, its mission is to reach out to high school students about the importance of STEM education. We want students to have access to programming workshops and many other resources in order for them to be college-ready.

Working toward leting students have access to programming workshops and many other resources in order for them to be college-ready. As a content creator I am focus on creating social media content that shares my journey in tech as a person of color.

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Slasher Games

In collaboration with All Star Code students we buiit an indie-game platform where game developers can publish their games. The platform's purpose is to support indie-game developers and allow gamers to play online for free without a need of a console. By using p5.js we were able to create a

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Future Vision

Collaborated with fellow student from America on Tech we built a website for a mock non-profit organization. The website's purpose is to exposing students to a variety of career paths and help them find their passions and obtain resources to improving career skills.

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Hangry Hangry Hipsters

During my time participating in Google CSSI, I collaborated with a classmate to build a meal planning site using Cloudshell and Firebase. This websites main goal is to allow people the ability to plan our the meals with would be like to eat for their entire week. Our motivation in buidling this site is seeing how expensive it can be to implusively buy food when one is hungry


Questions, comments or concerns? Shoot me an email or check out my online profiles!